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Live departure times for all outbound flights are listed here.*

We recommend that you get to the airport when your check-in/bag drop opens. Click on your flight to see opening hours.

Maintenance works - airport closed to air traffic July 7 to July 27

This summer, Swedavia is carrying out maintenance work at Åre Östersund Airport. The airport will therefore be closed to air traffic July 7 to July 27.

Flight safety is the basis for everything we do at Swedavia, and maintenance work of various kinds is carried out on an ongoing basis to maintain a high level of flight safety at our airports. During the summer of 2025, we will carry out runway maintenance at Åre Östersund Airport. The work is done to maintain a high level of flight safety.

The airport will be completely closed to air traffic between July 7 to July 27.

If you are traveling to or from Östersund during the current dates, contact your airline to instead review the possibility of traveling via other airports. Alternatively, consider other modes of transport. After the temporary closure, we look forward to welcoming you as a traveler back to Åre Östersund Airport.


*We reserve the right to make any changes. The information is updated every five minutes. The information is updated every five minutes. A change in departure time does not necessarily mean a change in check-in time. Check with your airline to see what applies for your flight. Arrival and departure times published on this website are a compilation of information Swedavia receives from airlines and ground handling agents. Therefore Swedavia cannot be held liable either for the accuracy of the information or for ensuring that the information is up to date at all times. Swedavia is thus not liable for any consequences that may arise as a result of possible inaccuracies in the published information.